Stacey Braun Associates, Inc.


Financial Planning for New Teachers

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
6:30PM  Register Now

One of the most often heard comments about saving and financial planning is “I wish I knew this when I started my career”.  We always encourage teachers to start financial planning early. With that in mind, we are offering a “New Teacher” webinar for all incoming teachers or those hired within the last few years. This webinar will discuss the following:

  • Tier 6
  • Basics of 403b and 457b plans
  • Saving early
  • Buying a home
  • Debt and Credit
  • Student Loans

Meet the Financial Planners from Stacey Braun Associates

Gerry McGahran
IRS Enrolled Agent
Certified Financial Planner™

Paul Kiley
Masters in Taxation
IRS Enrolled Agent
Certified Financial Planner™

David Bonington
Masters in Finance
Certified Financial Planner™

Stacey Braun Associates is the provider of the group financial planning program. Stacey Braun Associates does not earn money from commissions. The only thing the firm’s planners “sell” is advice, which is paid for by your union.