Stacey Braun Associates, Inc.

Join us for a webinar!

Financial Counseling Program

Monday, June 17, 2024
3:30PM  Register Now

We are pleased to announce that the Harrison Association of Teachers Benefit Trust Fund has retained Stacey Braun Associates, Inc. to provide you with a NEW Financial Counseling Benefit.  This Program is designed to provide you with access to Certified Financial Planners to review your finances, help answer your financial questions and assist you with the development of a financial strategy.  The advice is free, customized and objective.  There is no out of pocket cost to you and the Program is paid for by the Harrison Association of Teachers Benefit Trust Fund.  Learn more about this important and useful Benefit!

Attend this webinar to learn more about:

  • Who is Stacey Braun?
  • Overview of the Benefit
  • Financial Topics that can be addressed
  • How you can benefit from this Service
  • How to Schedule an appointment

Please join us for this exciting event to learn about this new Benefit.

Meet the Financial Planners from Stacey Braun Associates

Gerry McGahran
IRS Enrolled Agent
Certified Financial Planner™

Paul Kiley
Masters in Taxation
IRS Enrolled Agent
Certified Financial Planner™

David Bonington
Masters in Finance
Certified Financial Planner™

Stacey Braun Associates is the provider of the Harrison Association of Teachers Benefit Trust Fund financial counseling program.  Meetings with planners are strictly confidential and the cost of the program is covered by the Harrison Association of Teachers Benefit Trust Fund.